The charter of the Utica Maennerchor adopted in 1865 states that "THE PURPOSE OF THE CLUB SHALL BE TO PROMOTE GERMAN AND AMERICAN CHORAL SINGING."
Im Jahr 2015 feierten wir unser 150-jähriges Jubiläum. Wir danken unseren deutschen Einwanderen und Vorfahren für die Erhebung der Liebe zur Musik, Tradition und Kameradschaft zu dieser Gemeinschaft so lange her. Unsere Organisation wurde gebildet um unsere Kultur für zukünftige Generationen zu erhalten. Es war und ist immer noch durch harte Arbeit und die Leistungen der vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Mitgliedern erreicht.
In 2015 we celebrated our 150th anniversary. We thank our German immigrants and ancestors for bringing the love of music, tradition and fellowship to this community so long ago. Our organization was formed to preserve our culture for future generations. It was and still is accomplished through the hard work and dedication of past and present members.

Gail Miller presenting the proceeds from the Utica Maennnerchor's Christmas Concert, an $845 check, to Celia Bogan, Resource Development Manager at Hope House.
The Utica Maennerchor is one of the last surviving institutions established by a vibrant German immigrant community. By 1900, Utica's 3,696 German immigrants and their several thousand children had founded a dozen churches, four schools, seventeen social organizations and dozens of businesses. From 1905 until 1916 the local German community sponsored an annual German Day, attended by thousands of Uticans, including many not of German descent. The First World War drastically undermined this lively ethnic community.
The city of Utica is still home to many German immigrants and to the ancestors of those who once came and founded the club. The Utica Maennerchor is celebrating tradition, friendship and community ever since its founding.
The Utica Maennerchor is a club for young and old. A place to get together, to meet new people, to learn, to share and to have fun. We have currently over 450 members and many of those still speak German. If you are interested in becoming a member, please ask one of our members for an application, call us or email us. If you are interested in hosting an event at the Maennerchor, we have one of the finest and most reasonable facilities in the area for weddings, parties, clambakes, meetings and more. Please call us at (315) 735-5882 or stop by for a tour.