
Welcome To The Utica Maennerchor

Thank you for visiting the Utica Maennerchor website. We hope you enjoy browsing our site for the latest news, events, photo gallery and learn about our early beginnings. Whether you are German or non-German, we are happy to welcome you into the Utica Maennerchor family.

Vielen Dank für den Besuch der Website Utica Maennerchor. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spass als Sie unserer Weblage stöbern für die neuesten Nachrichten, Veranstaltungen, Fotogalerie und erfahren Sie mehr über unseren Anfang. Wenn Sie Deutscher oder Nicht Deutscher seien, wir würden wir uns freuen, Sie in unsere Maennerchor Familie aufzunehmen.

Become a UMC Member! German heart

Interested in joining our club and joining in our festivities? Download our Membership Application. We'd love to hear from you!

Club Hours

Mon - Thurs: 5-10 pm; Fri: 4-10 pm


5535 Flanagan Road
P.O. BOX 441
Marcy, NY 13403


Effective October 1st, Monday-Thursday 5:30-10 pm, Friday 4-10 pm.




Thank you to all who have renewed your membership in a timely manner. If you haven't renewed your membership yet, it's not too late. Remember, we now offer member discounts on various items. In March, we will update and post member's names on the bulletin board at the Club. Any membership concerns, contact Secretary Judy (315) 736-7014.




We would like to welcome the following new members to our Maennerchor Family: Tiffany Blum, Michael Long, Anne Dyson, Mark Dyson,Lisa Gee, Missy B. Schwenzfeier. Thank you for joining and we hope you enjoy our friendship and Club activities.




It is still very much winter although spring is on its way - I think! We have work to do on several pieces of music to prepare ourselves for the Club's 160th Anniversary Celebration on May 3rd, the New York State Saengerbund in Albany the weekend of May 31st, and our Club’s Spring Concert on June 8th.

Chorus rehearsals will resume Tuesday, March 4th at 5 p.m. with the mixed chorus only. At that time our Director, Mark Radlowski, will schedule and share rehearsal information for the balance of the month. We look forward to seeing our members attend for the love of music and friendship. If you like to sing, new members are always welcome.




Please support the Girl Scouts as they sell their famous cookies at our Club during Friday Fish Fry on February 28th and March 7th. Girl Scout cookie selling is a tradition that started back in 1917. They love our support, and we love their cookies!




We are happy to announce the festival band this year is Die Lustigen Almdudler's. They will be playing from 5:30 - 10 p.m. on Friday & Saturday and from noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Keep these dates available. The Club needs your help to fill the many work slots necessary to have a successful festival, while still allowing time for you to have some fun with family and friends.




What better way to enjoy winter in the Mohawk Valley than to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with our well-established Club party taking place after the Utica Parade. Save the date: MARCH 15th from noon - 5 p.m. We will be entertained by Craobh Dugan O'Looney Musicians along with the Butler Sheehan Irish Dancers. Sandwich-type lunches include corned beef, limburger cheese, liverwurst, hamburgers, hot dogs, wursts, macaroni salad, coleslaw, cheese and crackers, and chips.

Our dessert table offers various treats and Irish Coffee. This is a family event for all to enjoy. Hope to see you there wearing your green and enjoying the afternoon. Note: At this special event, your monthly membership card free drink will not be accepted.



2024 FOOTBALL FUN WRAP UP by Marty Culan

Once again our Club successfully completed another year of Football Fun due to the outstanding support of our members and friends of the Club! It's hard to believe that eighteen weeks went by so quickly. It was fun checking which teams were the high scorers each week and checking our numbers against the high scoring teams to see if one of our tickets was a lucky winner.

I would like to thank everyone who made Football Fun a successful fundraiser for the Club this year - those who bought tickets and special thanks to those members who did such a great job selling so many tickets. Your help is greatly appreciated and vital to the success of our fundraiser. MANY THANKS!!




George Weaver (originally Weber) settled in Deerfield in 1773 and founded the town with two others; his son John, served as commander of a militia during War of 1812 and founded the First Baptist Church on Herkimer Road. The Weaver family operated a substantial brick manufacturing facility, which at one time was the largest in central New York.




Several of our dancers participated in our weekly "Learn How" Classes held every Wednesday in February. We also had two guests attend the German classes and six guests attend the Square-Dancing classes. Our German classes included our usual dances, plus learning a new one. Square-Dancing classes were a lot of fun again this year, and I enjoyed calling the Squares for it! (Maybe, someday, the Edelweiss Schuhplatterlers (ES) can host a good Old-Fashion Square Dance upstairs at the UMC.) On Feb 22nd, four of our dancers attended the annual "Mohawk Homestead Volunteer Brunch". The brunch is a special recognition event to honor those who donate time entertaining their residents.

In March, we have some performances, but no rehearsals, since eleven of our German Dancers are also Craobh Dugan-O'Looney (CDO) Irish Ceili Dancers. Come see our dancers, while the CDO Musicians perform at the UMC St. Patrick's Party! They'll even teach you a couple Ceili Dances there too!! But, before the UMC Party, both ES & CDO Dance Groups will be performing at the Conkling Elementary Multi-Cultural Evening on March 5th. Both groups will be marching together in the Utica St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 15th. On March 13th the ES Dancers will be performing during a special daytime program, at the Rome School for the Deaf. ES will also be teaching Rome students a dance and some Cow-Bell ringing. That's all for this month. As the Irish would say....Slainte (Health)!!


Upcoming Events

Board of Officers & Trustee's Meeting - 5 p.m.


Chorus Practice Resumes (Mixed Chorus 5 p.m.)


Fish Fry 5:30 - 8:00 pm


Girl Scout Cookie Sale during Fish Fry


Fish Fry 5:30 - 8:00 pm

MAR 14

St. Patrick's Party - Noon - 5 p.m.

MAR 15


MAR 20

Fish Fry 5:30 - 8:00 pm

MAR 21

Fish Fry 5:30 - 8:00 pm

MAR 28

SUNDAY Sauerbraten Dinner - Noon - 2:30 p.m.

APR 13

160TH Anniversary Banquet


Spring Concert - 2 p.m.



JULY 2025


Plan your next event with us. Spots are filling up fast! Call John at 315-725-2464.


UMC WI-FI CAFÉ: Join us at the Utica Maennerchor at the Wi-Fi Café. Play a game of shuffleboard, watch your favorite team play ball on our big screens, or spend the evening catching up on your email correspondence, Facebook, Twitter or other accounts. We're convenient, especially if your local library doesn't have evening hours. Wings and other finger foods are available at the bar.

Visit our Gallery for more pictures!